Hi, I’m Jennifer Hinds

I’m the Founder & Formulator of Award-Winning natural, Australian & safe makeup range NAS Cosmetics
I give people HOPE and I offer them TRUST. Hope to look fabulous & feel beautiful and trust in knowing they have a company that has their back, putting them & their health first. YES, before the bottom dollar
If you’d like to know why I do what I do, read on to find out:
1) My GRAND Passion
2) Why I was Contemplating on a Mushroom in 2012
3) What I Realised after I’d Invested all my $$$ into Business
4) The Solution I Found
1) My GRAND Passion
My overwhelming passion is to cause a monumental shift in the cosmetic industry – a shift where customers (YOU) are priority above corporate bottom dollars. A shift where we demand ONLY clean products. Together as consumers, WE have the power to make this happen by refusing chemical based products.

It’s totally about education and people realising there are alternative products available that offer outstanding if not INCREDIBLE results.
I have a solution which I’ll share shortly!
I am one but together we are strong. I’m drawing a line in the sand and I hope you will join me.

2) The Weird Mushroom Thing

The STORY Behind the BRAND
(2012 Contemplation – SHORT VERSION)
My makeup was totally useless: under performed, under delivered and was simply wrong for my skin tone.
Snap decision !! Needed to find the best stuff.
Researched best on the market (AKA looked at models in commercials.)
No more stuffing around for this little black duck. I gritted my teeth as I handed over $90 for a foundation (it was 2011 – please don’t judge me.)
Logic dictated that I’d be getting the wiz-bang absolute BEST at that price (come on – you’ve all done it !! ) I couldn’t have been more wrong. Spent 4 weeks feeling nauseous and nursing headaches everytime I used this product. Like many people, I didn’t know it was full of chemicals.
So what would you do?
Well, I took it back to the store & explained what was happening.
So how do you think they responded?

In that moment with my children at my side I heard myself declare “I CAN’T BE THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS ALLERGIC TO YOUR TOXIC PRODUCTS. I’LL MAKE MY OWN AND I’LL DO IT IN 2 WEEKS.”

Well … the words were out and the rest is history!
3) What I Realised

I’d Invested all my $$$ into Business
It began in my kitchen. As the kids toddled off to school I’d wheel my stainless steel trolley out and begin formulating. They’d return home to a kitchen that was barely recognisable and a Mum who looked like a ghost covered in powder (hmm, or a drug dealer).
I’d been smart enough (it had to happen sometime) to do research (real research this time) on what it was that women really wanted & expected from their ideal makeup. It was this feedback that provided me with intimate information vital to creating award-winning formulations.
My ambitious claim of ‘I’LL DO IT IN 2 WEEKS’ was merely a mix up of words. The 2 was almost bang on but the word ‘weeks’ & ‘years’ were … um … slightly mixed up.
Anyhow the feedback of ideal expectations to formulate to was rather long and although it was 2 years in the making, all I can say is … I NAILED IT!
So, what was it that I realised after investing all my $$$ into my business?
No matter how incredible your product may be, if
no-one knows about it you’re dead in the water.
Keep 30% of your funds aside for MARKETING
4) The Solution I Found

Considering I had under catered for marketing, business was ‘stable’ (aplogies for such an arbitrary word). Yet I still felt totally out of alignment with my purpose here. I knew what I didn’t want for the brand but I couldn’t put my finger on the niche I was searching for.
Everything was right where is was meant to be. Derr! Cliché but real.
My passion to bring change to the industry, to make a difference to the lives of others, to educate people and to understand people’s pain points is on fire.

To achieve this I’d created beautiful natural, Australian and safe makeup products second to none in performance and durability and I’d EVEN formulated it to what women said they wanted. I’d done it all and the products had even won International & National awards. WHAT WAS MISSING?
Time spent in reflection is never wasted, it is an intimate and revealing date with yourself and then I had the answer. It was there all along …
As I said before: I am one, but together we are strong. I’m drawing a line in the sand on toxic products and I hope you will join me?

To find out more …
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Keep reading if you want to learn more about me:
– Things I Love
– My Passion
– My Dream

Things I Love
Our new pup (AKA Gypsy) is due arrive in 4 weeks … sooo excited!
In the meantime, this is my love bug, my Tonkinese bundle of joy and his name is Mau. You totally get why I love him don’t you .…

But while no-one is watching ……

My plan was never to become too attatched to any one place when I headed off back packing around the world at the age of 26, and then I discovered the fruits of the Fijian islands.
Drawn to the vibrant underwater realm and the simplicity of life on the islands, I spent 4 years as a dive instructor running an island dive shop.
Corals were prolific and shark feed dives were adventurous.
Life was tough

Last but by no means least, is my amazing family.
I am a Wife, a Mother, a Step Mum, a Lover, a Grandmother, a cook, a cleaner.

I think I’m much like you, I talk to myself, I love comfy clothes and no shoes. I get attitude from my kids (and that’s when they’re actually speaking to me) and have the occasional falling out with hubby. Oh, and I like a glass of wine …. Or 2

My Passion

(Videos & Stills)
The diving was sepctacular in Fiji so while living there I bought myself an underwater video system with alien looking lights to film our guests when we took them on shark feeds. Being entrepreneural even then, I also purchased a dozen underwater cameras and hired them out. (a very lucrative side hustle I might add!)

You’ve probably guessed that I enjoy the underwater realm, so jump in the moment with me here & picture this:
A weekend aboard a yacht, diving & filming makeup products amongst the coral reefs.
Surrounded with inspiration & immersed in creation, new seasonal colours emerge.
In the evening, the animals curled up beside me, a glass of wine within reach …
When you next NAS new season products, you instinctively know they were inspired by nature. Borne from passion & love.
This will not be work – this IS my passion!

My Dream

To head out on the weekends with family (including Mau & Gypsy) aboard a Catamaran (yes another cat!) would be the ducks guts!
Water lapping the sides of the hull, surrounded with natures version of silence while undersail, the breeze that tangles my hair would replenish my soul and fill my spirit.
Diving & fishing the nearly islands, watching sunsets and drinking pina coladas with friends & family. In my world – it couldn’t get much better